Reverse engineering intergalactic anti-gravity propulsion system from colliding galaxies 25000 light years away
IndiaDaily Technology Team - Jul. 15, 2005
When a galaxy starts to take away stars from another galaxy, astronomers’ start looking at it with awe. But now the aerospace engineers are smiling because the universe just revealed the anti-gravity propulsion system.
Anti-gravity propulsion is nothing new. But those who have worked with anti-gravity propulsion research know that creating lift is easy but creating lift that can be navigated is not easy. One reason that we do not use anti-gravity propulsion systems in unclassified flying crafts is that the navigation becomes extremely difficult. Even complex computer models are struggling to solve the puzzle.
25000 light years away a colliding Galaxy provides the first clue to anti-gravity propulsion and the associated principles of navigation.
Called the Canis Major dwarf galaxy after the constellation in which it lies, it is about 25000 light years away from the solar system and 42000 light years from the center of the Milky Way. This is closer than the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy, discovered in 1994, which is also colliding with the Milky Way.
Canis Major dwarf galaxy is one of the closest galaxies to the earth. It is colliding with our Milky Way. Our Milky Way is slowly and systematically taking away the stars from the Canis Major which is a much smaller galaxy.
When simulated in a computer it shows very clearly how our Milky Way have systematically taken stars away from Canis Major and grown approximately 1% more in mass at the expense of the smaller galaxy. Simulations show that, over a period of two billion years, the stream of stars lost from the Canis Major dwarf galaxy are able to wrap around the galaxy three times, giving rise to a complex structure which is seen as a immense ring of stars from Earth.
When the data was put in a knowledge base and the inference engine was asked to reverse engineer the model, it clearly showed how two gravitational sources could interact to transfer stars between them. It was absolutely astounding to note that the transfer is totally organized and controlled. The artificial intelligence system allows back calculating the model with which two colliding galaxies have interacted. They do not crash on each other, one is slowly absorbed by the other.
It provided the first clue to controlled navigation within the realm of anti-gravity propagation. The collision of the two galaxies is slow speed motion picture of how anti-gravity propulsion systems can work. Now the challenge is to port the model to work for terrestrial aircrafts and spacecrafts.